Posts Tagged ‘meeting’


Meeting Recap – 4/19/2014

April 22, 2014

Hey eveyone, I think its pretty important to recap the meetings just in case some people couldn’t show up for one reason or another. This way they can stay up to date about what we’ve discussed and can chime in after the fact (in the comments) if they have anything to add. I’ll try my best to do this from now on, but if I don’t get around to it some week, someone else should take a shot at it. Anyway, here goes:

on Saturday I got there early with a box of artisan donuts because I had nothing to show for the last 2 weeks. I hoped that offering would appease the rest of TGC, and it seemed to work. eventually Stephen showed up and we discussed his ideas for an ARPG. It would be a  fantasy rougelike with a skill tree that would let you build your character in different ways on each play through. I think he’s done a post about it somewhere on here. I cautioned him that it sounded like a very ambitious project and that if he was serious about it he should get some code down and get some basics working before worrying about the models specifically (he had a pretty advanced model of one of the characters already built).

Then Ed showed up and he showed us some new work on him and Lucas’s fish game. it’s looking really polished! Ed was worrying about if and how fish unlocks should be handled, but thought that maybe it was just time to publish and move on to the next game. I think we all agreed that the fish game probably wasn’t going to make them a million dollars and that they ought to just put it out there already to get some exp. and move on.

Ed talked about their next idea for a small game: a collection of ‘Gamer tests’ that you can only play up to 3 times, and the third time your score is recorded in the leader boards forever. It’s an interesting idea, though we discussed problems with monetization on a game you can only play a limited number of times. I suggested selling stand alone apps that are each of ‘tests’ individually and would only be ‘unlocked’ for people who had already submitted leader board scores.

Finally, Stephen showed Ed his card game (wastelands? which has also been posted about here) because Ed hadn’t seen it yet (I admit, I suggested the demo.) We played that for a while, and then we went home. 

Overall a solid meeting.

On a related note, I went home afterwards and knocked out 4/5 tasks I had to work on for my digital game (Ninjas/Cats) so next time I WILL have some good progress to show off! until then!