Archive for the ‘Boros’ Category


Treats for a Black Mage?

October 31, 2007

While this isn’t DIRECTLY comics related, I felt like sharing it with everyone anyway: my Halloween decorations for this year.

Oh, and cake

(it’s two bunt cakes put together, and it’s good)

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October 23, 2007

On this episode of Heroes

-Mind games!

-Monica (Micah’s cousin) is actually useful!

-Micah kicks ass!

-Peter is conflicted!

-Niki chokes a dude!
-and more!

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Why Heroes doesn’t suck

October 21, 2007

Why heroes doesn't suck

A quick spoiler before I write anything; few people read comic books. WHAT?! B-B-B-BUT BOROS YOU BRILLIANT AND HANDSOME WRITER, COMIC BOOKS ARE MY HOBBY, EVERYONE HAS MY HOBBY RIGHT? Wrong, a minuscule percentage of the planet’s population has read a comic, and even fewer follow them.

For everyone else, there’s Heroes, a heavily condensed version of the comic book world. However, this isn’t a bad thing. Lots of entertainment superstars are condensed version of a genre. Halo could be considered a condensed and dumbed-down FPS, but that’s fine. One would not criticize a dictionary for having less information on ladybugs than a ladybug collector’s website, so why put Heroes at fault?

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